Improvising with Structure for Creativity
Introducing Mime: Game 1: Receptionist and foreign ( non-English speaking) guest. Modelled by teacher.The guest has a problem.Something int he domestic sphere. The class in role as receptionist have to guess what the problem being mimed by the teacher is. Stress the notion that the guest can;t speak, as the fun comes from that tension. Ask for other ideas then ask a pupil to repeat what you have done with their own ideas.
Script Cards: Small snatches of speeches . pupils Play in 2's and 3's a few times- until used to them ,shoto group then reverse status and power. Reflect on the effect of this on the scene. then change the ending to create a reversal of power.
Story cards: Tessa da Rossa.have 3 different colours.2,3 and 4, mark statements based ion a well known story( for lower groups) and with significant changes ( for higher groups). Pupils tell a story based on the cards,expanding them as they feel appropriate.
Character structure cards: based on the work of James Campbell's "Hero with thousand faces" there are a number of phases in hero story( or Hollywood film) .
There are TEN groups of cards and in each are different aspects of the drama curriculum.
Positive trait of character
Negative trait of chartacter
A problem caused by that negative trait
A suggestion as to how the positive trait may help with a solution to the problem
The crisis
The solution
The return
CH Nov 09