Nov 22, 2009

Planning and Plot

Describe the story you plan to write in one sentence. If you can’t say what your drama is about in one sentence, you don’t have a clear enough idea of what you’re trying to do.

Decide what the main character wants more than anything else in life. The story will grow out of this desire.

Write a character description of the protagonist and antagonist ( if there is one) that includes appearance, likes, dislikes, fears, childhood difficulties, occupation, etc.

What groups does the main character belong to ?

The kind of experiences your main character has had in the past will determine how he behaves in the future. What he fears will affect his actions.

Make a timeline for the events of the drama . Try to get it inot six frames

Make a map that shows where all the action will take place.

Decide who, where and what happens in the final scene.